

22 Maggio 2023


Acciaio is a versatile material known for its strength, durability, and excellent machining properties. Janee offers both steel alloy and carbon steel options, which are us...
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22 Maggio 2023


Rame is a reddish-brown metallic element known for its excellent electrical conductivity,machinability and heat dissipation properties. It is a widely used material in CNC machining a...
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22 Maggio 2023


Ottone is a popular material used in CNC machining due to its excellent properties. It is known for its corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and attractive appearance. Ottone is comm...
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Aprile 19 2023


PTFE Comunemente noto come Teflon, il PTFE resiste alle alte temperature e ai prodotti chimici/solventi in modo eccellente ed è anche un ottimo isolante. È anche una plastica molto scivolosa, il che lo rende un buon m...
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