CNC Tornitura Albero Moto

CNC Tornitura Albero Moto

CNC Tornitura Albero Moto

These are CNC turning motorcycle shaft produced by Swiss-typed machine. A shaft is a rotating machine element, usually circular in cross-section, which is used to transmit power from one part to another, or from a machine that produces power to a machine that absorbs power, like the motorcycle jackshaft. For the transmission of power, one end of the shaft is connected with power source e the other end is connected with the machine. The straight shafts are commonly used for transmitting the power.

Cos'è l'albero?
Shaft is a fundamental element of a machine. It serves as a support in rotating parts like Ingranaggi e carrucolas e itself is supported by bearings resting in the rigid machine housing. The Ingranaggi e carrucola which is placed on shaft help in transmitting the motion. Many other rotating elements are mounted on the shaft by the help of key. They are subjected to bending moment e torque due to the reactions on the members which is supported by the shaft e torque due to the trasmissione di potenza. Gli alberi sono comunemente progettati come barre cilindriche a gradini, il che si dice che abbiano vari diametri lungo la loro lunghezza, anche se gli alberi a diametro costante sarebbero facili da produrre. Gli alberi a gradini corrispondono all'entità della sollecitazione che varia lungo la lunghezza.

Swiss Type Turning Pins Bars Shafts
Swiss Type Turning Shafts Pins Bars
CNC Turned Shafts Pins Bars
CNC Turned Shafts Pins Bars

Come scegliere il materiale?
The material used for ordinary shafts is mild steel. When high strength is required, alloy steel such as nickel, nickel-chromium, or chromium-vanadium steel is used. Shafts are generally formed by hot rolling e finished to size by cold drawing or turning e grinding.

Il materiale utilizzato per gli alberi deve avere le seguenti proprietà:

       Dovrebbe avere un'elevata resistenza.
       Dovrebbe avere una buona meccanizzazione.
       Dovrebbe avere un fattore di sensibilità di bassa qualità.
       Dovrebbe avere buone proprietà di trattamento termico.
       Dovrebbe avere elevate proprietà di resistenza all'usura.

motorcycle shaft

The materials used for regular shafts are carbon steel of grade 40, 45, 50, e Stainless steel P17-4 e etc. The cnc turning motorcycle shafts we produced are 4140 wwith black zinc coating for corrosion resistance. 

What's the application of shaft?

  • Industria automobilistica: In automobiles, shafts are used in engines, transmissions, e drivetrains. For example, the driveshaft transmits power from the engine to the wheels, while the camshaft controls the opening e closing of the engine's valves.
  • Industria aerospaziale: In aircraft, shafts are used in engine components such as turbines e compressors, as well as in flight control systems such as ailerons e elevators.
  • Macchinari industriali: In industrial machinery, shafts are used in a wide range of applications, such as pumps, compressors, e conveyors.
  • Produzione di energia: In power generation systems such as wind turbines e hydroelectric power generators, shafts are used to transmit mechanical power from the rotor to the generator.
  • Dispositivi medici: In medical devices such as surgical instruments e implants, shafts are used to transmit motion e force between different components.
    Janee CNC Machining
    How to produce Shaft?
    Overall, shafts are critical components in many mechanical systems e are essential for transmitting power e motion between different components. Their precise design e manufacturing are critical to ensuring that they operate reliably e efficiently. CNC Turning is one of the primary manufacturing techniques used for producing shafts due to its ability to create complex geometries with tight tolerances. The precision e solid steel shafts can be machined by Swiss-type machine. Swiss-type machine is a highly automated lathe, which can produce round e long parts, like shaft e pin, in one procedure. There are two spindles on a swiss-type machine e while one is cutting the material, the other one is in preparation, e as soon as the material ready, the secondary spindle will rotate e process the material. It's said that one end inputting the material e the other end outputting the finished product. For achieving concentricity e roundness, the rotating tools should be facing each other in centerline. It’s highly a  aautomated e accurate. Transmission shafts e motors are usually made by this process. Learn more about our CNC lathe production capability.

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