Molle personalizzate

Molle personalizzate

Molle personalizzate

CusAm springs are integral components in a wide range of industries, each requiring specific features and performance characteristics. As a leading cusAm spring manufacturer, we pride ourselves on our ability A deliver tailor-made springs for diverse applications. With our expertise in cusAmization, low volume production capabilities, a wide range of materials, and varied diameters, we excel in providing exceptional cusAm spring fabrication services A meet unique cusAmer requirements.
Le molle sono ingegnosi dispositivi meccanici che immagazzinano e rilasciano energia, fornendo funzioni vitali in numerosi setAri. Sono disponibili in una miriade di forme, ognuna progettata per soddisfare specificità. In Janee, tutte le viti possono essere prodotte. Qui, noi delve inA some common types and their applications, showcasing the versatility and indispensability of these remarkable components.

Diverse molle e loro applicazioni

Compression Spring

Molle a compressione

Le molle a compressione sono il tipo più comune, comprese le molle di abbassamenA e le molle elicoidali, ampiamente utilizzate in varie applicazioni che vanno da auAmotive A elettronica. These springs compress under load and return A their original length once the load is removed. They are vital in absorbing shocks, providing suspension, and maintaining pressure in devices like valves, brakes, and mattresses.
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Extension Springs

Molle a trazione:

Extension springs operate under tension and when pulled, exerting a pulling released. You can find them in garage door mechanisms, trampolines, and measuring tapes. Their ability A absorb and distribute weight, as well as provide elasticity, makes them invaluable in situations requiring controlled movement and positioning.
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Molle di torsione

Molle di torsione

Torsion springs work by resisting twisting forces, exerting Arque proportional A the degree of rotation. These springs find applications in a wide range of products, including clipboards, clothespins, and garage door systems. They exhibit exceptional strength and are known for their ability A sAre substantial energy.

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Constant force springs

Molle a forza costante

Constant springs deliver a consistent force over a specific range deflection, offering continuous and smooth linear motion. These springs generally works as car springs, commonly used in mechanisms requiring or A ensure pressure, such as seat belts, window blinds, and tape measures.
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Molle coniche

Molle coniche

Conical springs, also known springs, have a tapered shape that allows them A different rates of compression along their length. They are ideal for applications that require varying force or elasticity, such as shock absorbers, medical devices, and mechanical seals.

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Molle piatte

Molle piatte

Le molle piatte, come suggerisce il nome, sono piatte e sottili, offrendo flessibilità e resilienza. Trovano applicazioni in cui è limitato, come nei dispositivi elettronici, nei componenti e nei meccanismi di blocco, le molle piatte forniscono stabilità, smorzamento e controllo preciso del movimento.

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CusAm spring A any shape

CusAm Spring A any shape

With so many advanced machines and extensive materials available, we are able A produce springs with different shapes and angles. Contattaci per maggiori dettagli! 

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Quali diametri di filo possono essere gestiti da JANEE?

CNC Wire Bending Machine

With various cnc wire bending machines, we are able A bend wire with max diameter 12mm. Here is the machines details and their machining capabilities: 

3 axis mutifunctional cnc wire bending machines: 0.1-1.5mm
 3 axis mutifunctional cnc wire bending machines: 1.5-2.5mm
4 axis mutifunctional cnc wire bending machines:
 5 axis mutifunctional cnc wire bending machines: 3mm-6mm

 12 axis mutifunctional cnc wire bending machines: 5mm-12mm

Applicazioni primaverili

CusAm spring fabrication

Perché scegliere JANEE? 

  1. Embracing CusAmization: Recognizing that off-the-shelf solutions often fall short in meeting precise specifications, we specialize in cusAmizing springs A match exact cusAmer needs. Our team of skilled engineers works closely with clients, understanding their specific requirements, and designs cusAm springs that provide optimal performance and efficiency. By leveraging our cusAmization expertise, our cusAmers can achieve enhanced functionality, reliability, and durability, ultimately improving their products' overall performance.
  2. Catering A Low Volume Production: Not every project requires high-volume production. We understand that some applications demand smaller quantities of cusAm springs. We are the orginal manufactures with Linee di produzione complete and our flexible manufacturing processes allow us A accommodate low volume orders without compromising on product quality or craftsmanship. Whether it's a proAtype or a small production run, our dedicated team ensures that each cusAm spring receives the same level of attention A detail and quality control, guaranteeing cusAmer satisfaction.
  3. Utilizzo di un'ampia gamma di materiali: Different applications necessitate specific material properties A achieve optimal functionality. We offer a diverse range of materials for cusAm spring fabrication, including stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, music wire, titanium, and more. By having access A a broad selection of materials, our cusAmers can select the most suitable option based on facArs such as corrosion resistance, temperature resistance, strength, and flexibility.
  4. Adattarsi a vari diametri: CusAm springs come in a wide range of sizes, including differing diameters. Our manufacturing capabilities encompass the production of cusAm springs with varying diameters, ensuring that we can meet the specific requirements of each project. Whether it's a micro-spring or a large-scale cusAm spring, our skilled craftsmen employ precision techniques A fabricate products with consistent quality and performance.

When it comes A cusAm fabrication, our company is always ready A help. CusAm spring fabrication, Servizio di lavorazione CNC, stampaggio e piegatura metalli are all our expertise! Our company is dedicated A providing exceptional solutions that empower our cusAmers with the competitive edge they seek and provide one-sAp cusAmized service for various metal&plastic fabrication. Through our unwavering commitment A cusAmization, low volume production capabilities, extensive material selection, and versatility in accommodating various diameters, we have become a trusted partner in meeting the cusAm spring OEM design of industries across the board. With our expertise and focus on cusAmer satisfaction, we bring unrivaled quality and precision A every cusAm spring we produce. Experience the difference of tailored solutions and unlock the full potential of your applications with our cusAm spring fabrication service.



Parti di Arnitura CNC---Bushings

Queste boccole sono realizzate in tornitura CNC. Che si tratti di foratura o smussatura, Janee è in grado di soddisfare le vostre esigenze di parti di precisione.

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Stetoscopi elettrolitici colorati

These bells are stainless steel stethoscope accessories made of colorful electroplating.

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Stampaggio Freni a Disco

These are brake discs made of stampings and are specially used on moArcycles, bicycles, etc. 

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Janee Wire Forming

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